On-screen keyboard (a virtual keyboard that you can click on if you don’t want to type).Click when the cursor stops (will automatically click without having to use your touchpad or USB mouse).Spoken feedback (your Chromebook will talk to you to dictate screen text and pictures).Screen magnifier (makes your screen elements bigger for easier viewing).

Step 5: Find the “Accessibility” section. Step 4: Scroll down on the settings page until you see “Show advanced settings” and click on it. You can also click on the Chrome Menu > Settings. Step 3: Type in “chrome://settings” in the address bar at the top.

Step 1: Sign in to your Chromebook if you haven’t already. Whatever your reason, the option is already built into Chrome OS, so there’s no need to mess around to adjust the cursor size! Or just prefer to have the pointer in their field of view at all times. This is something that’s definitely useful for those who always lose track of the cursor. Let’s start off with making the cursor bigger.